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New England Weather This Week: Mainly Calm; Gradually Warming

This week's weather will feature mainly calm conditions with a gradual warming trend, going from chilly on Monday to closing in on (or exceeding) 60° by Friday. We're also watching a potential storm system for the end of the week as well. Here's the details:


Monday and Tuesday will feature continued chilly conditions with highs topping out in the 40s for most, with some areas in northern New England failing to break out of the 30s. A weak, fast-moving clipper type system will skirt through New England this evening through the overnight. This will bring scattered, light snow and rain showers. These showers will be most widespread across Vermont and New Hampshire, with more isolated activity likely in southern New England and Maine.

These scattered showers will begin in the late afternoon in Vermont and spread generally west to east through the overnight hours. The showers will likely have come to an end by sunrise Tuesday, though some stubborn, lingering activity may hang around, especially in the mountains.

Expected weather this evening:

Tuesday will remain cool, although a warm-up will be starting to set up for New England. Highs will remain in the 40s for most with some 30s in northern New England. Northern areas will likely remain cloudy with some clearing likely in central and southern New England. Brief, light, pop-up showers are possible outside the mountains, but most will see a totally dry day. There will likely be some lingering snow showers in the north in the morning before drying out in the afternoon.


High pressure begins to build back into New England for the rest of the work week. This high pressure will be situated to our southwest, which will allow milder air to get into New England, ending our current stretch of below average temperatures. Highs will head for the 40s and 50s in northern New England and the 50s and 60s in southern New England. Wednesday will be close to average before high jump to 5-10° above average for Thursday and Friday.

Wednesday and Thursday will generally be quiet and brighter with more clouds across northern New England thanks to a weak cold front (this weak front won't have much of a cooling effect). Overnight low temperatures will not be quite as cold, either.


Friday will likely see increasing clouds as the next system approaches New England. Last week, we mentioned the next shot at widespread rain would be this Friday. Most major models have pushed the timing of this system back more toward Friday night into Saturday.

As of now, it looks like the system will involve a cold front approaching from the west with a coastal low developing and moving into the Gulf of Maine. While there's plenty to be worked out with this storm, it will have the potential to bring New England a widespread soaking. Showers during the day Friday will be most likely across western New England with a lot of clouds elsewhere.

Again, the bulk of this rain is currently looking to come in for Friday night into Saturday morning, but, at this point, we'll need to keep watching the trends. Speaking of the rain, with the mild air in place ahead of the system, this is looking to be an all-rain event for all of New England. Some snow may be possible at the end of the system in the mountains, however.

How heavy rain will be, where the heaviest rain sets up and exactly when the system winds down still needs to be worked out. Major models do have rain lasting through much of Saturday.

Euro and GFS showing potential weather on Saturday:

The system is looking to clear out by Sunday, with calmer and cooler conditions setting up behind the cold front. This front is currently looking to drop New England back to around average temperatures.



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